The Productive Online Nurse Educator Membership


Achieve more productivity,

without feeling overwhelmed.

Have you encountered any of these obstacles to productivity?


The biggest obstacles to productivity are often overwhelm and distraction. Focusing on a growing task list can often lead to procrastination and burnout. When teaching online, those tasks can easily get out of control and leave you feeling like there aren't enough hours in the day.

It can also be just as easy to get caught up in the day’s tasks, emails from students and colleagues, committee work, social media notifications, and other distractions that keep us from focusing on our work.

Another issue is multitasking, where we try to do too many things at once instead of focusing on one task at a time, resulting in poor quality work and taking too long to complete tasks.


Can you imagine...
  • Grading all of your course assignments on time on a weekly basis and providing meaningful feedback on student work
  • Having dedicated time for course prep and organization so you can teach in an authentic way and develop assignments that truly engage students
  • Having adequate time to communicate with and connect with your students, particularly those that may be struggling or need additional attention

If any of this sounds like a dream, I want you to know that it’s 100% possible for you. And I know that, because I’ve been exactly where you are now and have created a proven system to help you achieve success and productivity as an online nurse educator.

Thatā€™s why I can't wait to introduce you to The Productive Online Nurse Educator Membership!
If you're ready to achieve success and productivity as an online nurse educator,


The Productive Online Nurse Educator Membership is all about helping you stay organized and productive, so you can focus on providing your students with an unforgettable learning experience. We'll provide you with the tools and strategies needed to get everything done on time, while also giving you a chance to collaborate with other Online Nurse Educators!

The main pillar of this membership are the twice weekly co-working sessions. Co-working sessions are an opportunity to stay focused and accountable in order to make progress on the tasks that need to be done. We believe that intentional time set aside for course prep, grading, organization, etc., is invaluable for success as an online nurse educator.

You will also receive weekly productivity and time management tips, so you can make sure your work is done as efficiently and effectively as possible.

When you become a member of The Productive Online Nurse Educator...

Being overwhelmed and distracted by online teaching tasks and life responsibilities
Feeling in control, productive and aligned with your desired goals and balanced in your life

Unsure of how to manage your time and workload
Feeling confident that you can accomplish your tasks in a focused, timely manner

Confused and frustrated with trying and figure it all out on your own
Having the resources, structure and support needed to be successful
If you're ready to go from being frustrated, overwhelmed and feeling like you don't have enough time to get everything done, to being a productive, effective and efficient online educator, but you need someone who's been there and done that to guide the way...

I created The Productive Online Nurse Educator membership for you!

The Productive Online Nurse Educator membership uses the power of accountability and motivation to help you go from frustration and overwhelm to confidence and productivity. You'll learn best practices for time management and organization, access tools and resources to help you stay organized and receive support and motivation from experienced instructors just like you!
So, what is The Productive Online Nurse Educator membership anyways?

The Productive Online Nurse Educator membership is a collaborative group that provides a safe and supportive environment to help Online Nurse Educators stay on track with their goals. By utilizing the power of co-working sessions, we can ensure that our members make great use of their time, accomplish what needs to be done, and stay motivated to reach their goals.

The Productive Online Nurse Educator group is different from other groups because it provides the accountability and support needed to help online educators stay on track and reach their goals. With this membership, you can stay on track with your goals, get things done, and be motivated to reach your goals. As a member of this group, you can achieve specific results that will help you succeed as an online nurse educator.

By being a member in this group, you’ll be able to…

  • Focus on your goals without feeling overwhelmed
  • Learn the skills and strategies to enable you to become a successful and productive online educator
  • Have the opportunity to be a part of an incredible, supportive and productive community
  • Stay organized, create engaging courses for your students, and be able to grade assignments in a timely manner

No more struggling. No more worrying. No more wasting time.

Here's how the Productive Online Nurse Educator Membership works...

Twice weekly co-working sessions

Co-working sessions are the back-bone of this membership.Ā Co-working sessions provide a dedicated time to focus on course prep, grading, organizing and other projects that require uninterrupted attention. With the accountability of others in your group, you can stay motivated and accomplish your set goals.

Here's how the co-working sessions work:

  • Make a plan for what you would like to accomplish during our 2 hour session
  • JoinĀ our collaborative Zoom session
  • Ā State your goals for the session (First 10-15 minutes of session)
  • Ā Work on your goals independently (90 minutes)
  • State the goals you accomplished (Final 10-15 of session)

Co-working sessions will occur every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30M-1:30PM EST. But if these times don't work for you, no worries, simply post days and times that you plan to be in our collaborative Zoom room in our dedicated community area and invite other members to join you!


Weekly productivity and time-management tips and strategies

Every week you will receive productivity tips and strategies delivered to your inbox that will help you stay organized, motivated, and on track. These emails will also challenge you to implement at least one new strategy that week to be a more productive and efficient online nurse educator.

A focus on productivity and time-management will help you to:

  • Build productive habits and time management tips to help you create an effective system for getting tasks done in a timely fashion
  • Effectively use your time and create an organized system that works for you so you don’t feel overwhelmed
  •  Complete your tasks in a timely manner without sacrificing quality or time with family, friends and loved ones

The Productive Online Nurse Educator Community

The Productive Online Nurse Educator Community member area will serve as a place for all members to share ideas, thoughts and ask questions. We will regularly share weekly goals and accomplishments and support each other as we strive to reach our goals.

Some benefits of our member community area include:

  • Advice and guidance from fellow colleagues who are also working to reach their professional goals
  • Weekly accountability check-ins so that you can stay on track with your goals
  • Sharing resources and tools that help with productivity, time management and achieving your goals

Annual and Quarterly Goal Planning Sessions

Setting goals is crucial for personal growth and professional success. Our membership includes quarterly and annual goal setting sessions where you can reflect on your progress, identify areas for improvement, and establish new objectives to strive towards. These sessions provide guidance and accountability in achieving your aspirations as an online nurse educator.

Setting clear goals will help you to:

  • Stay focused and motivated: Setting clear goals gives you a sense of direction and purpose.Ā 

  • Measure progress: By setting specific, measurable goals, you can track your achievements and see how far you've come. This allows you to celebrate successes along the way and make adjustments if needed to ensure continuous improvement.

  • Prioritize tasks effectively: Goal setting helps you prioritize tasks and allocate your time and resources efficiently.Ā 

I've built accountability into the foundation of this membership to make sure you reach your fullest potential as an online educator...

Dedicated time to focus on accomplishing your goals, make clear plans and take actionable steps toward success.


Receive valuable tips and strategies on productivity and time management to help you become a more efficient, successful online educator


A supportive community, that will ensure you reach your goals and stay motivated to do more


Set clear quarterly and annual goals to help you stay focused and motivated.

Join The Productive Online Nurse Educator today!
Choose the best option for you...
  • Twice weekly co-working sessions
  • Dedicated member community
  • Weekly productivity and time management tips and strategies
  • Annual members receive all monthly features
  • Annual members also receive two months membership for free

Members of the Innovative Online Nurse EducatorĀ Academy receive COMPLIMENTARY access to the Productive Online Nurse Educator Membership!

***To learn more about The Innovative Online Nurse Educator Academy CLICK HERE.

Enroll today and you'll also get access to these bonuses...

The Course Prep Planner

The Course Prep Planner is the perfect way to get organized and stay on track while preparing for a course. This planner helps you set goals, create a timeline, and track your progress. The 9 pages provide plenty of room to write down your thoughts and ideas. Having everything in one place makes it easy to stay focused and motivated. The Course Prep Planner is an excellent resource for any educator looking to achieve success with their teaching!

($27 value)

Preparation and Time Management Best Practices Before the Semester Begins- Checklist

This checklist will provide you with several elements you should consider when preparing your online course and considering how to manage your time before the semester begins.

($47 value)

Best Practices for Preparation and Time Management  When Time Is Limited- Checklist

In an ideal world, we would all have time to prep and plan our courses well before the first day of classes, however, we don't live an ideal world and we sometimes may not even receive notice that we are teaching a new course until a week before classes begin! Not to worry, this checklist will provide you with some strategies you can put into place to help get you back on track even when when given short notice.

($47 value)

Best Practice Tips For Effective and Efficient Grading During the Semester

This lesson will provide the benefits of using various types of grading options to manage the workload of grading in an online course. More specifically it will walk you through the three biggest Preparation and Time Management tips for grading during the semester when teaching an online course.

($97 value)
The Productive Online Nurse Educator guarantee
I'm behind you 100%!

All monthly and annual plans automatically renew at the end of the period.

When you become a member of The Productive Online Nurse Educator, you are able to cancel your membership at any time. This means that if you find that the program is not helpful to you or that you no longer need the support, then you can cancel your subscription.

You have the freedom to decide when and if you want to continue or discontinue your membership - there's no commitment necessary. However, if you decide to re-join thin the future, you must re-join at the new membership price point.

But I know you'll love the membership and all it has to offer! 


I'm Natasha Nurse-Clarke.

I've been an online educator in academia for over 10 years.

Through the years, I have learned a lot about what it takes to be successful in the online space. I've had personal experience with the frustration and overwhelm that comes with being an online educator.

 Teaching online requires a lot of preparation and organization, but it can be done. I understand that as an online educator, you need to be organized, focused, and stay on top of your tasks in order to provide the best learning experiences for your students.

I've had personal success with research and writing accountability groups that allowed me to publish 9 peer-reviewed articles and receive 2 research grants in 2022 alone! It also placed me in a position to secure early tenure and promotion at my college. I know that the same success is possible as it relates to teaching and course prep.

This is why I created the Productive Online Nurse Educator Membership – to help you get organized and stay motivated so that you can reach your goals, become successful, and be a more productive online nurse educator!

Are you a perfect fit?

  • Are you overwhelmed, frustrated and feeling like you don't have enough time to get everything done?
  • Do you wish you could better prepare for your course, grade assignments in a timely manner, and create engaging assignments for your students?
  • Are you looking for a community of supportive online educators to share ideas, concerns and help you reach success? 
  • Are you ready to finally make a commitment to end the cycle of falling behind and start enjoying the semester instead of dreading it?

If any of these sounds like you, keep reading, because you’re exactly where you need to be.

I can't wait to welcome you into The Productive Online Nurse Educator membership!
If you're ready to take the next step and make a lasting change in your professional life,


Reclaim your time and your life, and finally learn the skills and strategies necessary for success in the online education space.

With The Productive Online Nurse Educator membership, you'll receive tips, tricks, tools, and strategies to help make sure that all of your tasks are completed on time.

By utilizing the power of co-working sessions, you will ensure that you are making the greatest use of your time, accomplishing important tasks, and staying motivated to reach your goals.

If you're still reading, there's something holding you back.
You may be asking yourself...
Enroll in The Productive Online Nurse Educator today!
Choose the best option for you...
  • Twice weekly co-working sessions
  • Dedicated member community
  • Weekly productivity and time management tips and strategies
  • Annual members receive all monthly features
  • Annual members also receive two months membership for free

Members of the Innovative Online Nurse EducatorĀ Academy receive COMPLIMENTARY access to the Productive Online Nurse Educator Membership!

***To learn more about TheĀ Innovative Online Nurse Educator AcademyĀ CLICK HERE.