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Assignment Spotlight: Conference Attendance Credit

Nov 02, 2021

I always have a desire to share current and relevant information with my students. This can be tricky, however, due to the pace at which textbook information becomes obsolete. As such, one strategy that I have used, is to provide extra credit to students for attending a conference on a topic related to our course. In today's blog post, I'll share more about this assignment.

 I love attending conferences because it re-energizes me and helps me to see what's possible when enthusiastic and committed individuals work toward a common goal or solving a problem. Many of my students have never attended a conference and do not know the importance of doing so. By offering them extra credit to attend a relevant conference provides an additional incentive to do so.

In order to facilitate this, I share relevant conference opportunities in the course Discussion Board, highlighting, in particular, the ones that do not have an associated registration fee or those that have a significantly discounted fee for students. I require students to share proof of registration and attendance and post a summary of the conference within one week of attendance.

Students can submit a summary of a single presentation if it is a multi-presentation conference, or a summary of their experience in general. The goal is to help students get the latest information on a particular topic, but also to expose students to this type of research dissemination. I also like to introduce my undergraduate students to the idea that they can potentially present at a conference in the future as well.

As a result, I have received positive feedback from students about the conferences they attend and many students make up their minds to attend that particular conference on an annual basis.

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