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Assignment Spotlight: Using ”Hedbanz” to Review Course Concepts

Feb 01, 2022

I came across this fun, interactive game that a professor used in her college class as a method for exam review. This game could be used in a variety of ways with college students and presents fun opportunities for play! Learn more in today's blog post.

In this play on the original game, "Hedbanz", students ask questions to try and determine what the card on their headband says. The game is played with multiple teams and card is selected at random by each member of the team respectively. When it's their turn, each student must then put the card on their headbands so that the cards are facing their team members. The student must then ask their teammates questions in order to figure out what is on their headband. The student has two minutes to ask as many questions as possible that they think will help them determine what is on the card with the objective being to correctly guess the concept on their card before time runs out. The concepts on the card come from a review sheet that is distributed in a class prior to the exercise.

One of the great things about this exercise is that it can be easily adapted to the synchronous online classroom through the use of break-out groups and selecting a "keeper" of the time and cards for each group. The keeper can distribute the cards among the team members via email prior to their turn.

This activity was shared by Heather Van Mullem as a resource on the Professors at Play website.  

I'd love to hear your ideas on this assignment. Share them in The Online Educator Facebook Group! 

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