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Ed Tech Tuesday: Perusall

Apr 27, 2021

In my Facebook group called The Online Educator, we had an awesome member mention an Ed Tech tool called Perusall. This tool was new to me, so I thought I might do some research and share some info about it with you awesome educators!

Perusall is a social reader/annotation tool that can be used to increase the amount of effective reading that students do. This tool allows students to collectively annotate a reading and also respond to each other’s comments. One additional feature that I think is pretty awesome is a "student confusion report" which is a one-page summary of concepts that students had trouble or engaged with. The instructor can then follow-up on those points. 

Since I had never used the tool before, I watched a brief video to get an overview of how it worked. One thing I liked a lot was the interface that seems very similar to social media which most students are pretty familiar with. 

Although I use a lot of different tools in my online classes, I don’t have any that serves the specific purpose of helping student to interact with their readings in this way. The Perusall site reports that 20-30% of students complete their assigned readings, which is not surprising, but certainly highlights the need for change in this area. 

I’m hoping to give this tool a shot next semester but would love to know if this is a tool you have used in the past and how you have used it. Let me know in The Online Educator group!

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