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Ed Tech Tuesday: Quizziz

Dec 28, 2021

Learning is an interesting process. You can learn things in many different ways, at many different speeds, and with varying degrees of difficulty. One extremely useful method which has gained popularity recently is quiz-based learning. In today's blog post I'll share about a great quiz-based learning tool that can be used to enhance learning in the online classroom.

Quizziz online is a quiz-based platform which can be used primarily for self-assessment. You have the option of creating your own online quizzes or you can search for pre-made quizzes which have been created by others who are interested in the same topics as you.

One of the best features of Quizziz is they are very effective for self-assessment because the learner can decide how fast or slow they want to go with their learning.

Quizziz online grades the student's quiz and provides insight into how their score ranks against other online learners worldwide. This feature allows also allows online educators to push the online learning environment further by incorporating a competition factor. Instructors can push students to practice and study harder by offering the online learners a chance to compete online for top scores against students around the world.

Quizziz also allows for online educators and students to share knowledge in a very productive way. Quizziz online is free, it is easy to learn how to use, and can be an excellent tool in the arsenal of online educators (or any educator).

 I'd love to hear your ideas on how you might be able to use this tool in your own online course. Share them in The Online Educator Facebook Group! 

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