Become an Innovative Online Nurse Educator

Ed Tech Tuesday:

ed tech tool Mar 19, 2024

Welcome to another edition of Ed Tech Tuesday, where we explore innovative tools that can enhance your online teaching experience. Today, I'm excited to introduce you to, a powerful bookmarking tool that can upgrade the way you organize and share resources with your students.

I first discovered while searching for a more efficient way to manage the multitude of websites, articles, and videos that I incorporate into my online courses. Because we teach online, staying organized and providing easy access to relevant materials is crucial for facilitating engaging and effective learning experiences. offers a sleek and intuitive platform for bookmarking and organizing online content. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, it streamlines the process of curating resources for your courses. Whether you're compiling research articles, educational videos, or interactive websites, makes it easy to save and categorize everything in one centralized location.

One of the features I love most about is its ability to create collections and sub-collections, allowing you to categorize resources by topic, theme, or course module. This hierarchical organization system ensures that both you and your students can quickly locate the materials you need, saving valuable time and reducing frustration.

Another standout feature of is its seamless integration with web browsers and mobile devices. Whether you're browsing the web on your laptop, tablet, or smartphone, you can easily save articles and websites to with the click of a button or the tap of a finger. This accessibility ensures that you can capture valuable resources whenever inspiration strikes, ensuring that nothing gets lost in the shuffle.

In addition to its bookmarking capabilities, also offers powerful collaboration tools that make it easy to share resources with your students and colleagues. Whether you're collaborating on a research project, compiling a reading list, or curating resources for a specific course module, allows you to invite others to contribute to your collections, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.

As an educator, I'm always looking for ways to enhance the online learning experience for my students. With, I can provide my students with curated collections of resources that supplement course materials and deepen their understanding of key concepts. Whether it's a collection of articles for a research project, a playlist of educational videos for a flipped classroom activity, or a curated list of websites for further exploration, empowers me to create dynamic and interactive learning experiences that inspire curiosity and engagement.

Overall, I havr found that is a versatile and user-friendly tool that can really enhance the way you organize, share, and collaborate on educational resources. Whether you're teaching online courses, conducting research, or simply staying organized in your professional life, offers a comprehensive solution for managing your digital content. 

I'd love to hear your ideas on how you might be able to use this tool in your own online course. Share them in The Online Educator Facebook Group! 

I am a nurse and a college educator. I help other motivated educators leverage the tools needed to teach online successfully so that they can create lively, engaging, quality courses from the comfort of their homes!
© 2023~Natasha Nurse-Clarke~ All rights reserved. Originally published at This content can not be used for commercial purposes, including selling or licensing printed or digital versions of this content. For non-commercial purposes, please credit Natasha Nurse-Clarke~

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