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Ed Tech Tuesday: Screencastify

Feb 22, 2022

Teaching with video is crucial in the online classroom. In today's blog post, I'll share information about a great Ed Tech tool called Screencastify. Screencastify is a Chrome extension that allows users to record their screens and voice. The recordings can be edited and shared with others.

Screencastify is a great tool for teachers because it provides a way to share information with students in an engaging way. Educators can use Screencastify to create video tutorials, provide feedback on student work, and more. In fact, Screencastify is such a strong resource for educators that they have an entire education and resource hub section just to help educators personalize learning in their course.

One of the benefits of online education is that it allows students to learn in a variety of ways. Some students learn best by listening, others by reading, and still others through interactive activities. However, one of the most important ways for students to learn is through video.

Videos allow students to see and hear information in a way that is engaging and memorable. Videos can also be used to show examples of what is being taught. In addition, videos can be used for review and assessment purposes. For these reasons, it is important for online educators to make use of videos in their courses.

If you're interested in incorporating video into your online course, consider using the tool Screencastify for your video creation, editing and sharing needs. The Screencastify community has tons of resources and tutorials to get you started the right way!

 I'd love to hear your ideas on how you might be able to use this tool in your own online course. Share them in The Online Educator Facebook Group! 

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