Become an Innovative Online Nurse Educator

Ed Tech Tuesday: Tinkercad

Nov 21, 2023

This blog post will discuss the value of incorporating 3D modeling and design into nurse education. Tinkercad provides a platform for educators to do just that, offering an online environment that caters to creativity and exploration. With its capabilities, students can design healthcare solutions, apply design thinking principles, and hone their skills in preparation for the challenges ahead in the healthcare field.

Tinkercad is a user-friendly, web-based design platform that allows students to create and manipulate 3D models. It provides a virtual workspace where students can design, customize, and prototype various objects using a wide range of tools and features. By harnessing Tinkercad's intuitive interface and design capabilities, online nurse educators can empower their students to think innovatively and apply creative problem-solving skills within the healthcare context.

Engaging Online Nurse Education with Tinkercad

1. Concept Visualization: Tinkercad enables online nurse students to visually represent healthcare concepts and structures using 3D modeling. Students can create anatomical models, medical devices, or healthcare environments, allowing them to explore and understand complex concepts from a tangible perspective. This visual representation promotes engagement, spatial understanding, and deeper comprehension.

2. Prototyping and Design Iteration: Tinkercad facilitates the prototyping process, allowing students to create and refine their designs iteratively. Online nurse educators can assign design challenges or projects where students must create healthcare-related objects or devices. Through multiple design iterations, students can experiment, make improvements, and apply critical thinking skills. This iterative process fosters creativity, problem-solving, and resilience.

3. Interdisciplinary Connections: Tinkercad encourages interdisciplinary connections in nursing education. Online nurse educators can incorporate Tinkercad into collaborative projects that involve students from different healthcare disciplines, such as engineering or technology. By collaborating on the design and development of innovative healthcare solutions, students gain exposure to diverse perspectives, enhance teamwork skills, and foster interdisciplinary collaboration.

4. Simulation of Medical Equipment and Devices: Tinkercad allows students to design and simulate medical equipment and devices virtually. Online nurse educators can assign projects where students create 3D models of devices like patient monitoring systems, assistive devices, or prosthetics. By visualizing and simulating these devices, students can understand their functionality, explore potential improvements, and gain insights into the healthcare technology landscape.

5. Patient Education Tools: Tinkercad empowers online nurse students to create patient education tools in a visually engaging manner. Students can design interactive models that demonstrate medical procedures, anatomy, or health education concepts. These models can be shared with patients or used as resources for health promotion and patient education initiatives. This approach promotes patient-centered care, communication skills, and health literacy.

6. Collaborative Design Challenges: Tinkercad's collaborative features enable online nurse students to work together on design challenges or group projects. Online nurse educators can create collaborative spaces within Tinkercad where students can share their designs, provide feedback, and collaborate on improving each other's models. This collaborative approach fosters teamwork, communication, and a sense of community among students.

7. Real-World Application of Design Thinking: Tinkercad provides a platform for online nurse students to apply design thinking principles in healthcare. By engaging in the design process, students gain hands-on experience in identifying healthcare challenges, brainstorming solutions, and prototyping ideas. This real-world application of design thinking nurtures innovation, critical thinking, and creativity in nursing practice.

8. Sharing and Showcasing Creations: Tinkercad allows students to showcase their creations and share them with their peers or the wider community. Online nurse educators can organize virtual showcases or exhibitions where students present their 3D models and explain the healthcare concepts behind them. This platform for sharing and showcasing fosters pride in accomplishments, boosts confidence, and encourages ongoing creativity.

Tinkercad offers online nurse educators a powerful tool to engage students and foster creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills within the healthcare context. By harnessing Tinkercad's design capabilities and collaborative features, educators can create a dynamic learning environment where students can explore, experiment, and innovate. Tinkercad empowers students to think creatively, design healthcare solutions, and apply design thinking principles, ultimately preparing them for the challenges and opportunities in the healthcare field.

So, if you're an online nurse educator seeking to foster innovation and engagement in your students, consider incorporating Tinkercad into your teaching toolkit. By leveraging the power of Tinkercad's 3D modeling and design capabilities, you can ignite the creative spark within your students, inspire them to think outside the box, and empower them to make a positive impact in healthcare through their innovative ideas and designs.

I'd love to hear your ideas on how you might be able to use this tool in your own online course. Share them in The Online Educator Facebook Group! 

I am a nurse and a college educator. I help other motivated educators leverage the tools needed to teach online successfully so that they can create lively, engaging, quality courses from the comfort of their homes!
© 2023~Natasha Nurse-Clarke~ All rights reserved. Originally published at This content can not be used for commercial purposes, including selling or licensing printed or digital versions of this content. For non-commercial purposes, please credit Natasha Nurse-Clarke~

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