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Ice-Breaker Tuesday: Describe Yourself With An Emoji

Jun 14, 2022

 Class introductions are always a great way to start any semester. Typically I have always included some type of introductory activity in my classes where students share one fun fact about themselves, but today's highlighted activity asks students to go a bit further by describing themselves with an emoji! Grab the instructions in today's blog post!

An emoji is an icon or image that is usually used to demonstrate an emotion. It is typically used in text message to fill in for words that are missing from a conversation. It is often also used in many social media sites as well. Since emjoi's can demonstrate emotion, they can serve as a nice way to learn more about your students.

Ice-breaker instructions:

Describe Yourself with an Emoji: Introduce yourself by using (or drawing) an emoji. Then explain why you selected this emoji and why. For additional fun, you can ask students to give their emoji a name and even use it as it as an avatar for themselves in your course.

You can use the following resources to help students find an emoji:

  • Get Emoji- this website allows you to copy and paste Emoji's without having to download any apps
  • Emojipedia- this site allows students to learn the meanings of different emoji's and functions as an emoji search engine
  • Emoji Keyboard by JoyPixels- this is a Chrome extension that can easily provide access to emoji's from any chrome browser window
  • Emoji>- an emoji app that adds an emoji keybord to smart devices

I'd love to hear your ideas on this ice-breaker. Share them in The Online Educator Facebook Group!

Would you like me to spotlight one of your ice-breakers? Share your assignment HERE for an opportunity to be spotlighted in The Online Educator Blog.

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