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Ice-Breaker Tuesday: Interview With A Classmate

May 10, 2022

I love doing introduction activities, but I love doing "follow-up introduction" activities even more! Follow-up introduction activities really help to reinforce what students have learned about each other. In today's blog post, I'll share a fun follow-up to introductions activity called Interview With A Classmate. Grab the instructions today!

A"follow-up introduction" activity is any activity that asks students to review class introductions that have been made previously (usually the week before) and perform a task with that information. My first "follow-up to introductions" activity that I did in my online class was called Getting To Know You BINGO where I created digital BINGO cards with characteristics of students in the class and then had students complete the BINGO cards with the names of as many of their classmates as possible. It was such a huge success that I became interested in doing more of these types of activities. 

Today, I'll share another such activity called, "Interview With A Classmate" that asks students to go back to their class introductions and select someone to follow-up with and interview with the purpose of developing relationships. 

Ice-Breaker Instructions: 

Interview With a Classmate: Select someone who's introduction interested you and interview them. Present what you learned to the class in a VoiceThread post or write a short bio on the person and share as a Discussion Board post. To make the most of this experience, you don't have to interview the person who chose you, you can select another classmate of your choice.

  • Ideas for interview questions: You can ask your own interview questions, but they should include a minimum of 3 questions. Some ideas are to ask follow-up questions on the points they discussed in their introduction, questions about their culture, career, ideals/beliefs, or future ambitions.

I'd love to hear your ideas on this ice-breaker. Share them in The Online Educator Facebook Group!

Would you like me to spotlight one of your ice-breakers? Share your assignment HERE for an opportunity to be spotlighted in The Online Educator Blog.

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