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Ice-Breaker Tuesday: Life is a Movie

Feb 08, 2022

Today I'll be sharing an ice-breaker I saw online that I really like. It really struck a cord with me because there's so much that a person can do with it, not just as an ice-breaker, but also as a class assignment. Check out today's post.

Today's ice-breaker is called Life is a Movie and it asks students to share a clip from a movie that you love and explain why you love it.  I love this idea because it's simple, yet very impactful. The instructor can, of course, lead with an example of their own favorite movie clip and share why they love it. Being a person who loves movies, I really like this activity. Movies have a way of teaching lessons in discrete ways and it would be great to see what lessons others learn from a movie. 

I often show movies, Ted Talks and video clips in my online classes that relate to a topic being discussed. I have found this to be very impactful for students. One way to twist this assignment is to have students share a movie clip from a movie that highlights a topic we are discussing in class. This opens the topic up for more discussion and also gives the instructor ideas for future movies to share in class.

I'd love to hear your ideas on this ice-breaker. Share them in The Online Educator Facebook Group!

Would you like me to spotlight one of your ice-breakers? Share your assignment HERE for an opportunity to be spotlighted in The Online Educator Blog.

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