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Ice-Breaker Tuesday: Study Space

Jan 11, 2022

What's your favorite place to study, read or be productive? I have to admit that I have 2! One is my awesome home office and the other is my comfy living room recliner. In today's post, I'll be sharing a fun ice-breaker that allows students to learn more about each other by sharing their favorite places to study.

For this activity, students share a picture of their favorite place to study then explain where they do your best work and why this space is ideal for studying? Students might share things such as:

- My bedroom, because it's quiet and I have all my supplies nearby

- The student center on campus because there's plenty of people around for help

For students who do not have a favorite study space, or if you don't want students sharing pictures of their favorite study space, you might ask them to share a picture of their ideal study environment (e.g., quiet library) and why this would be an excellent option for studying effectively.

For a bit of a twist on this activity, you might ask students to share a photo they might consider the most distracting while studying (e.g., loud coffee shop) and how they might try to minimize distractions for optimal productivity.

You can also ask questions about study habits and techniques, such as playing music, etc.

This activity allows students to learn more about each other, share their unique preferences when it comes to productive spaces.

This is also an excellent opportunity to express the importance of studying in a place that is conducive to learning and how it can impact one's academic success.

I'd love to hear your ideas on this ice-breaker. Share them in The Online Educator Facebook Group!

Would you like me to spotlight one of your ice-breakers? Share your assignment HERE for an opportunity to be spotlighted in The Online Educator Blog.


O'neil, F. (n.d.). 3 Ways to Break the Ice with Your Online Students. Retrieved from 

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