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Ice-Breaker Tuesday: What Would You Hold

Apr 12, 2022

In today's ice-breaker, I'll be sharing an activity that was inspired by @dmaduliwilliams that allows students to share a meaningful item in their life. Learn more about it in today's blog post.

It's time for another ice-breaker activity to get you out of your winter blues! In this activity, students will take a photo of an object in their hands and explain why they would keep it forever. What does this object mean to them? Why is it so important?

It's easy for online students to isolated and disconnected from their colleagues, so it's important that you create an environment where everyone feels comfortable and ready to participate!

This week's ice-breaker activity allows students to share about a meaningful item/object and share why it holds meaning to them. This can be a powerful activity because it not only allows students to share about their genuine selves, but also allows them to be vulnerable with each other. This is important when building an authentic community of inquiry.

For this activity, students will take a picture of them holding an object in their hands.

They will then take that picture and answer the following questions: What is this object? Why does it hold meaning to me? And, why would I keep it forever?

After students complete this activity they should comment on the posts of their classmates to keep the conversation going. It would be ideal for you as the instructor to model this activity by sharing about your own meaningful item.

This activity was adapted from @dmaduliwilliams-

I'd love to hear your ideas on this ice-breaker. Share them in The Online Educator Facebook Group!

Would you like me to spotlight one of your ice-breakers? Share your assignment HERE for an opportunity to be spotlighted in The Online Educator Blog.

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