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Is Online Learning Becoming More Popular?

Nov 29, 2022

Believe it or not, online education hasn't always had a very positive reputation, however, recent literature shows that this trend is changing. Learn more in today's blog post.

It seems that everywhere we look these days, online education is being touted as the next big thing. And it's no wonder why - with the flexibility and convenience it offers, more and more people are turning to online courses to gain new skills or further their education. But not everyone is convinced that online education is all it's cracked up to be - many people still view it with suspicion, believing that it can't possibly compete with traditional educational institutions.

Well, today we're going to set the record straight. In this blog post, we'll take a look at some of the latest research on online education and dispel some of the myths that have been surrounding it for years. So if you're curious about online education but aren't sure whether or not it's right for you, read on - you might be surprised by what you find!

The recent CHLOE 7 report is one of the most comprehensive studies on online education to date, and it provides some very insightful findings. For example, did you know that...

-The majority of Chief Online Officers (COOs) surveyed believe that online learning is as good or better than traditional classroom instruction when it comes to student outcomes like knowledge retention, satisfaction, and job placement?

-Most COOs also believe that online learning is more effective than traditional instruction for non-traditional students, such as working adults and those with family obligations?

-COOs expect the number of students taking at least one online course to continue to increase in the coming years, with many institutions planning to expand their offerings?

These findings show that online education is not only here to stay, but increasing in popularity and effectiveness. Of course, online education isn't right for everyone - some people prefer the structure and social interaction of a traditional classroom setting. However, the CHLOE7 report demonstrates that certain groups of students such as working adults and those with family responsibilities can benefit greatly from online learning.

Some additional highlights of this report include the need for additional student and faculty support and training, and the importance of quality assurance measures in online education. For more information on these findings, and to learn more about the current state of online education, be sure to check out the full CHLOE7 report.

Do you agree that public opinion on online education is changing? Share your thoughts, experiences and ideas in The Online Educator Facebook Group by clicking the link HERE. Also, as a treat don’t forget to GRAB YOUR FREE GUIDE to the 3 Secrets to Teaching Online Successfully.

I am a nurse and a college educator. I help other motivated educators leverage the tools needed to teach online successfully so that they can create lively, engaging, quality courses from the comfort of their homes!
© 2022~Natasha Nurse-Clarke~ All rights reserved. Originally published at This content can not be used for commercial purposes, including selling or licensing printed or digital versions of this content. For non-commercial purposes, please credit Natasha Nurse-Clarke~

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