Become an Innovative Online Nurse Educator

Radical Online Resource: Labster

Nov 28, 2023

Nurses need to be well-equipped with the right skills and knowledge in order to become successful practitioners. But theoretical knowledge can only take them so far – they need hands-on practice to gain the technical experience and clinical thinking abilities necessary for success. Enter Labster, an online platform that provides educators with immersive virtual laboratories for nursing students. With Labster, educational institutions can provide their nurse students with realistic opportunities to hone their laboratory skills, apply their theoretical knowledge, and develop critical thinking abilities. Learn more about it in today's blog post!

Labster: Unlocking Virtual Laboratory Simulations

Labster is an innovative ed tech tool that provides online nurse educators and students with virtual laboratory simulations. These simulations allow students to perform experiments, practice laboratory skills, and apply theoretical knowledge in a realistic and immersive environment. By replicating the experience of a physical laboratory, Labster aims to enhance student engagement, critical thinking, and clinical competence in an online setting.

Engaging Nursing Students with Labster

1. Accessible Laboratory Experience: Labster allows online nurse students to access virtual laboratories anytime and anywhere, providing a flexible and convenient learning experience. Online nurse educators can incorporate Labster into their courses to ensure that students have access to laboratory-based learning, regardless of their geographical location or time constraints.

2. Immersive Simulations: Labster offers high-quality, interactive simulations that replicate real-world laboratory environments. Through Labster, online nurse students can perform experiments, manipulate equipment, and analyze data just as they would in a physical lab. This immersive experience fosters engagement, curiosity, and a sense of realism, contributing to a deeper understanding of laboratory concepts.

3. Safety and Risk-Free Learning: Labster provides a safe learning environment for online nurse students to explore laboratory techniques without the risks associated with working in a physical lab. Students can make mistakes, repeat experiments, and learn from their experiences without concerns about safety or wasting resources. This risk-free approach encourages experimentation, critical thinking, and mastery of laboratory skills.

4. Guided Learning and Feedback: Labster offers guidance throughout the virtual laboratory simulations, providing instructions, background information, and step-by-step procedures. Online nurse educators can use Labster to ensure that students receive clear instructions and support as they navigate the simulations. Additionally, Labster provides immediate feedback on students' performance, allowing them to learn from their mistakes and improve their skills.

5. Application of Theory into Practice: Labster bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application by allowing online nurse students to apply concepts learned in class to virtual experiments. Students can see the direct relevance of their theoretical knowledge in a practical setting, reinforcing their understanding and enhancing their critical thinking abilities.

6. Collaborative Learning Opportunities: Labster supports collaborative learning through its virtual laboratory simulations. Online nurse educators can assign group-based experiments or case studies within Labster, encouraging students to collaborate, communicate, and problem-solve together. This fosters teamwork, peer learning, and engagement among students.

7. Supplemental Learning Resources: Labster provides supplemental learning resources, such as quizzes, background theory, and related readings, to enhance students' understanding of the laboratory concepts covered in the simulations. Online nurse educators can integrate these resources into their courses to provide a well-rounded and comprehensive learning experience.

8. Assessment and Progress Tracking: Labster offers assessment tools that enable online nurse educators to evaluate students' performance within the virtual laboratory simulations. Educators can assign graded activities or quizzes within Labster to assess students' understanding and application of laboratory skills. This facilitates objective assessment, progress tracking, and targeted support for students.

Labster presents a transformative opportunity for online nurse educators to engage their students in laboratory-based learning experiences. By utilizing Labster's virtual laboratory simulations, educators can provide online nurse students with immersive and realistic opportunities to practice laboratory skills, apply theoretical knowledge, and develop critical thinking abilities. Labster fosters engagement, safety, collaboration, and skill mastery, all of which are crucial in preparing nurses for their future clinical practice.

So, if you're looking to enhance student engagement and provide hands-on experiences, consider incorporating Labster into your online courses. By harnessing the power of Labster's virtual laboratories, you can empower your students with the skills, confidence, and practical knowledge needed to excel in their nursing education and professional journeys.

I'd love to hear your ideas on how you might be able to use this tool in your own online course. Share them in The Online Educator Facebook Group! 

I am a nurse and a college educator. I help other motivated educators leverage the tools needed to teach online successfully so that they can create lively, engaging, quality courses from the comfort of their homes!
© 2023~Natasha Nurse-Clarke~ All rights reserved. Originally published at This content can not be used for commercial purposes, including selling or licensing printed or digital versions of this content. For non-commercial purposes, please credit Natasha Nurse-Clarke~

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