Become an Innovative Online Nurse Educator

Radical Online Resource- The Innovative Online Nurse Educator Membership

Nov 22, 2022

Have you heard of The Innovative Online Nurse Educator Membership (or The Innovative ONE as I like to call it). Well.. it's an awesome resource provided by yours truly and I'll be telling you all about it in today's blog post.

The Innovative Online Educator membership is a robust community of like-minded online educators with a passion for teaching online and a desire to develop their online teaching skills to their highest potential. The membership provides access to an amazing array of resources, including: video tutorials, monthly webinars, an exclusive forum and more!

Here are some of the main features:

  • Monthly Best Practice Masterclass- Have you ever felt inundated with information about the best ways to teach online but just can't find the time to actually consume that information? The Monthly Best Practice Masterclass is the solution to your problem! Instead of being bombarded with tons of content, each month, we pick one best practice to focus on, and we work on implementing, perfecting, or learning more about each topic. This way, you begin to fill your online teaching toolbox with one tool at a time, understanding how to use that tool and when it is needed. Each monthly Masterclass session will be recorded and shared in our membership portal.
  • Guest Innovative Online Educator- Each month, one guest innovative online educator will be invited to share a creative, innovative and engaging strategy they are successfully using in their online course. These are online educators like you and I who are experimenting and trying new strategies and sharing about their experiences. The best way to grow is by seeing what others are doing successfully and learning how you might be able to adapt new strategies in your own courses. These sessions are geared toward this practice.
  • Innovative Template- Templates are a huge time-saver. Using a template means you don't have to start from scratch, you can just plug in your own content and you're ready to go! Each month, you will receive an editable template to use in your online course. These may range from assignments, slide presentations, planners, outlines for your learning management systems and much more! Click HERE to see an example of an editable template I have been using in my Health Policy course called The Congressional Squares. In this membership, you not only receive a new template each month, but a tutorial walking you through how to use and edit that template for your own needs.
  • Sample Innovative Assignment- Coming up with engaging assignments in an online course can be a challenge. That's why each month, you will receive a sample innovative assignment, complete with instructions and related resources. These assignments can be tweaked for your own course or used to help spark your own ideas. Click HERE for an example of what a sample assignment might look like.
  • Quarterly and Bi-Annual Features- In addition to the awesome monthly resources you will receive in the Innovative Online Educator Membership, you will also receive the following Quarterly and Bi-Annual benefits.These include:
    • Quarterly Assignment Hackathon- Have you ever had an assignment that you wanted to revise but couldn't quite figure it out? With these quarterly assignment hackathons, we will focus on reviewing and revising one member's course assignment so that it is BOTH innovative and engaging! Bring all of your creativity and enthusiasm to these sessions!
    • Bi-Annual Course Prep Challenge- One thing that helps me to be successful during the semester, is taking the time to prepare and plan BEFORE the semester begins. However, this is not always easy to do, and time flies by before I've even had a chance to collect my thoughts! These Course Prep Challenges are designed to get our courses prepped BEFORE the semester begins.
    • Bi-Annual End of Semester Review- I know that the LAST thing we want to do at the end of the semester is look at our courses! However, something magical happens when we actually take the time to reflect on and review our courses at the end of the semester. These end of semester reviews are developed to help us engage in this important practice. 

Finally, the Innovative Online Educator Membership also comes with access to a wonderful community area that is a shared space where online educators can share ideas, provide feedback and help support each other through the journey of teaching online. In this space you should feel free to be creative and explore new and exciting strategies you have always wondered about and ask questions about ideas you would like to learn more about. 

The Innovative Online Educator Membership is an amazing resource for online educators. With access to video tutorials, monthly webinars, an exclusive forum and more, you can develop your online teaching skills to their highest potential. The membership provides a robust community of like-minded online educators with a passion for teaching online. So if you're looking for a resource to help you grow as an online educator, be sure to check out The Innovative ONE!


What do you think of this resource? Do you have any other great resources on plagiarism or proper citation? Let me know in the The Online Nurse Educator Facebook group!

I am a nurse and a college educator. I help other motivated educators leverage the tools needed to teach online successfully so that they can create lively, engaging, quality courses from the comfort of their homes!
© 2020~Natasha Nurse-Clarke~ All rights reserved. Originally published at This content can not be used for commercial purposes, including selling or licensing printed or digital versions of this content. For non-commercial purposes, please credit Natasha Nurse-Clarke~

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