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Radical Online Resources: A New Installation in The Online Educator Blog

Apr 19, 2022

I've been sharing some awesome resources in this blog and I know that sometimes they can get lost in all the other awesome posts. So I've decided to dedicate one week a month to one highlighted resource. In today's blog post, I will share about the different types of resources you can look forward to seeing in this installation. 

Last week I attended the Online Learning Consortium Innovate conference and I learned about TONS of awesome resources and tools to really enhance online learning. I thought about all the resources I have shared in this blog and realized it might be a good idea to compile them somehow and organize them so they are easy to find. I decided that the easiest way to do this was to feature one amazingly radical resource in my blog once a month! 

Resources can take all kinds of forms, so here are the types of resources you can look forward to in this blog:


  • Scholarly articles- There are MANY journals that feature great teaching strategies and online assignments. In the resource highlight, I will share the article and explain how you can use it in your online class.
  • Informal articles- Informal articles are those that are not scholarly or peer-reviewed, but may still offer some excellent insights or strategies. These can be found on a variety of websites and will be shared accordingly.
  • Other blog posts- There are alot of blog posts related to online teaching that can be found with a simple Google search. I will compile the best of the best and share them with you in the resources blog post!


  • Online learning websites- There are a variety of organizations and websites that focus on online learning. Some of these are OLC, Quality Matters, and Sloan-C. I will share different websites in the resources blog posts so you can explore them further.
  • Teaching strategies websites- There are also many websites that focus specifically on teaching strategies. These may or may not be related to online teaching specifically, but offer excellent resources nonetheless.


Software and apps- These are apps, or other techy things that you can use to support learning in your classroom

Open Educational Resources (OER) 

Open Educational resources are those that are freely available for you to use and adapt. These are an EXCELLENT way to save money on course materials, and there are OERs for just about everything. I will be featuring different OERs in the resources blog posts, so be sure to check back!

I hope you find these resources helpful, and if you have any suggestions for future resource highlights, please let me know in The Online Educator Facebook Group by clicking the link HERE. Also, as a treat don’t forget to GRAB YOUR FREE GUIDE to the 3 Secrets to Teaching Online Successfully.

Would you like me to spotlight a resource that you love for teaching online? Share your resource HERE for an opportunity to be spotlighted in The Online Educator Blog.

I am a nurse and a college educator. I help other motivated educators leverage the tools needed to teach online successfully so that they can create lively, engaging, quality courses from the comfort of their homes!
© 2022~Natasha Nurse-Clarke~ All rights reserved. Originally published at This content can not be used for commercial purposes, including selling or licensing printed or digital versions of this content. For non-commercial purposes, please credit Natasha Nurse-Clarke~

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