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Time Management When Teaching Online

Jan 28, 2020
Yesterday was the first day of classes also known as the Spring semester for me. One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to be better at grading course work on time. In online courses this can become overwhelming very quickly. So in order to accomplish this, I made a time management plan for myself! I created a schedule in Trello that I hope to use throughout the semester and I have an accountability buddy (more than one) to make sure I stay on track with my schedule. 

My Time Management Plan:

My online course week runs from a Monday to Sunday so most course assignments (both on Discussion Board and VoiceThread) follow a schedule like this:
  • MONDAY: this is the day I do my weekly announcement recordings and Module Overview videos.
  • WEDNESDAY: this is my official grading day because it is one of my lighter days.
  • THURSDAY: bigger assignments such as papers and projects are due on this day
  • SUNDAY: responses to a classmate and bigger assignments are also due on Sundays 

One thing to mention about my management plan is that I notify my students that all assignment grades will be posted weekly on Wednesdays. This helps me to be and stay accountable to them as well. Also, I like to keep the rest of the days of the week for regular communications and interim grading.  

Hopefully this plan will work out well but as added measure to help myself along, I included the due dates for all assignments in my Trello schedule so I will know exactly what I am grading and when. Fingers crossed for my success!
What about you? Do you have a time management plan for your online course this semester? Share your ideas in The Online Educator Facebook Group.
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