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4 Secrets To Teaching An Online Course Successfully

May 31, 2022
In all the time that I have been teaching online, there are MANY tips and tricks that I have learned to help be successful. However, there are 4 secrets to teaching online successfully that have helped me more than all the others. These tips have worked for me time and time again, even during those 4 week online sessions when I can’t stay on top of grading assignments on time or when I get a week notice about teaching a course and don’t have time to make the sexiest assignments, if I stick to these 4 things at a minimum, I still always get rave reviews and evaluations! In this blog post I’m going to give you a brief review of these 4 secrets and explain why they are a MUST for success in an online class. 
I have found that you don’t have to have every detail of my course planned out from the beginning of the semester, but communication goes a LONG way. Even if you only have a week's notice for a course, you can send a quick email/announcement notice telling the students how excited you are to be teaching them and share the course text, at a minimum. These small communication strategies can can make a world of difference. Other ideas include weekly course announcements, holding virtual office hours or doing one-on-one meetings with each student. Check out my FREE Masterclass  for examples of how to do this.  
One thing I hated about taking online courses as a student was the complete disorganization of the course. Instructors would have one section often called Course Documents and then have 100 documents posted there and then students had to sort through them all to find the one reading for the week. Please do NOT do this. Instead, you can create any type of organization system that you feel works for your course. I tend to create one Modular content area for each week/topic of the course. Check out my FREE Masterclass for examples of how to do this.   I’d be interested to hear other organization systems that you have successfully used in the past. 
Preparation can be trickiest if you get that last minute course assignment. But there are a few loopholes that can still help you to be successful. When prepping your course consider the course objectives, and possible activities and assignments that align with these objectives. The trick here is to stay at least one to two weeks ahead of the course. For this, you can “drip” your course content, meaning only open one course module up at a time. You can tell students that this is for their own benefit, so they don’t feel “overwhelmed”.  In fact, it is a great practice to prevent students from feeling overwhelmed but it’s also a great technique to prevent the instructor from being overwhelmed also! This way you don’t have to worry about setting up your entire course before the first day of classes. Check out my FREE Masterclass for examples of how to do this.  
Engaging Assignments
Creating engaging assignments is the last secret to creating a successful online course. Keeping students engaged, though, is easier said than done. I typically do this by creating discussion board assignments that make a connection between the students and the content. I typically use the PEAR Approach for this. I also use Ed Tech Tools to enhance my teaching, assessments and communications with students. This can include tools like VoiceThread, Google Slides and various other 3rd party tools. Check out my FREE Masterclass for examples of how to do this.  
There are lots of other strategies that can help in teaching online, but I have found these 4 to be truly foundational. I hope you also find them useful. If you're interested in learning more, be sure to check out the FREE Masterclass I created on this topic to give you step-by-step details on how to implement these strategies. Share your ideas in The Online Educator Facebook Group by clicking the link HERE

Would you like me to spotlight a resource that you love for teaching online? Share your resource HERE for an opportunity to be spotlighted in The Online Educator Blog.

I am a nurse and a college educator. I help other motivated educators leverage the tools needed to teach online successfully so that they can create lively, engaging, quality courses from the comfort of their homes!
© 2022~Natasha Nurse-Clarke~ All rights reserved. Originally published at This content can not be used for commercial purposes, including selling or licensing printed or digital versions of this content. For non-commercial purposes, please credit Natasha Nurse-Clarke~

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